Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lindsey-In a funk

So, Sunday night AJ and I got dealthy ill (or so I felt).  For 2 nights straight I was up with him as he cried and wriggled in sickly uncomfortableness. But I didn't have anyone to take care of me!! James tried, but he had (has) an extremely important work week this week so I made him go to bed. Anyway, in addition to me being sick, I got bad news on Monday that, in addition to other things, ripped my relaxing vacation out from under me. Doh!

I tell you that, to tell you this: all of this sickness and bad newsness has effected my eating as well. For some reason, whenever I get sick, I crave high fat meals, as well as carbs. Dangerous. In fact, what I always want is a huge thing of Chicken McNuggets and an extra, extra large french fry. High fat-high carb. Anyway, although I did not do that (mostly for fear of my stomach getting angry and making me feel more sick) I did over do the fats yesterday (for example, breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs in bacon grease with cheese melted on top, 4 peices of bacon, 3 mini potatoes with cheese on top, and homemade hollendaise on...all of it. HA!) Yes, fat does not make you fat, but too much of anything (even vegetables) is just plain not good for you. Anyway, the rest of the day I didn't eat much...probably because my breakfast had enough fat to fill me up for a week.  Needless to say, I have not work out yet this week.

Yesterday Rachel Parker came over and took Alayna for a few hours so that I could sleep when AJ took his nap. So what I needed! In addition, last night AJ only woke up 2 times so I was able to sleep. I still don't feel 100%, but I think I am on the mend. Plus, the bad news isn't seeming so bad because James and I instantly brought the situation to God and have praying friends praying for us. That is another update for another time...

Anyway, yes, today.....

Breakfast-3 eggs with a little cheese on top. less than 1/4 cup hollendaise sauce on top. Coffee with a wee bit-o-cream.

Snack-leftover steamed broccoli....I don't know why....

Lunch-Skip lunch

Dinner-Good lord, I don't know yet.

Workout-Nothing exciting. Maybe just some squats and pushups....I don't want to over do it to the point that I become sicker.

Goal--Quit getting sick so that I can keep up my eating and workout momentum, for crying out loud!!!!

Amber--Day 1 (Again)

So I have done some evaluating and this is what I have learned about myself:

1. I need to be on here daily. I need the accountability.

2. I am weak and once I give in to temptation, it gets easier and easier to cheat.

3. I still have more will power than in the past. I have not pigged out, eaten loads of things I shouldn't and my portions have been reasonable.

4. I do better when doing this with friends!

So last yesterday, all in all, I did well. Dinner was almost all paleo, although I did cook with wine, and I don't know if that is allowed. Also the sauce was thickened with cornstarch--is there a good paleo sauce thickener out there?????

Today I have an eating plan!

Breakfast--two egss hard boiled, a mango and some coffee

Lunch--left over chicken and asparagus without the sauce

Dinner--pot roast, with 1/4 a sweet potato and some spinich.

Snack will be plain greek yogurt with almonds and maybe an apple chopped up in it for sweetness.


Today I am dealing with headaches and restless sleep and I know it is because my body is once again having to detox off of the crud that I have let it nibble on the past three days.

Here I go, off to start Day 1. NO cheats for 30 days!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


So excited for the delightful delectables that I will be bringing to girl's night tonight. Muwaha...

Lindsey again

Hey, can we invite Brynn? No one seems to be hip on the blog anymore, and I think Brynn, who is going full steam on her "diet", would really benefit from this....just sayin.

Did extremely well yesterday as far as eating and workout goes....except I ate a little too much bacon. Yes...too much bacon. Still not getting enough sleep....I don't know what to do about AJ.

My workout yesterday was 21, 15, 9 sets of 125lb dead lifts and 35lbs overhead squats. Yay! I met my workout goal for this week.

The real challenge will be, starting on Sunday, enduring the entire vacation without going food crazy. We are going to California. A lot of that time will be spent living with people who are gluten fiends so it will be an eating and social nightmare. I need to prioritize getting some sort of workout in and not going crazy on all the food that will be around. I can do it!

My breakfast this morning was delightful--3 scrambled eggs with 2 oz corned beef with 1/2oz of cheese and some hollendaise sauce on top. So...so yummy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Amber--Day 18--I haven't abandoned you!

Ok so I just got so swamped the past three days that I didn't poste---but I have still stayed paleo.....until today. I started off my cheat by eating 1/4 of Ollie's sausage biscuit, not a horrible amount of gluten, but still. I am sad I can't say I have never cheated :(

Then I was teaching a class. I was starving. I didn't take snacks for myself. I ate two small bags of chips--one of cheetos and one of fritos. Neither had gluten but both were crap!

For my late lunch/dinner I had a lettuce wrapped Double-Double no sauce at In&Out and then an apple with almond butter for a snack when I got home. I had a few pinches of my trail mix I made too (dark chocolate-73% cacao, unsalted cashew pieces and unsweetened coconut flakes).

So I am never cheating again! 2.5 weeks with no gluten, eat  1/4 a buscuit and some crappy chips and my gut couldn't empty itself fast enough. Sorry if that was TMI, but it was not good. I feel all squirrelly in my tummy. Ugh. Jon says that is exactly what happens when he has gluten, only x10. I am sold on you Paleo and I promise I wont cheat every again!


Had Panda Express yesterday. I always feel salt overloaded the next day...ugh. But we had a double serving of veggies, mandarin chicken and mushroom chicken. Not horrible, but I am pretty sure that there are hidden things (like soy sauce) that I should not be eating.

Yesterday I did 100 burpees. My back, shoulders and chest are punishing me a little today.

Today I will be doing this for a workout: http://www.crossfit.com/   21, 15, 9 deadlifts and overhead squats. No, I can not do the weights they have posted...I will do a wimpier version.

As I was re-reading the Mark's Daily Apple post about "Why You Aren't Losing Weight"....I was reminded that I am not getting enough sleep. On a good night I get 6 or 7 hours, but that is pushing it. AJ is a terror. He wakes up several, several times a night to eat and I just don't know what to do anymore. I am trying the water thing, but he wont sleep until his belly is full. What do I do?
